
“There is so much noise out there when it comes to parenting advice. I now feel like I have an evidence-based framework and set of objectives on which to draw when it comes to dealing with challenges, rather than being reactive and experimental with the all the unproven approaches we hear about.”

-Mother, son age 7


"Dinosaur School and the Incredible Years program were life changing for our family. We were able to achieve our goals, which, at first, we naively articulated as wanting to get more discipline and compliance from our kid. We grew up in a culture where harsh discipline was the norm and were skeptical and cynical about what we thought was a softer approach in raising our kids. Learning the skills Emily and Lauren taught us was invaluable, but even more important was how much the program strengthened the relationship and interactions between us and our kids, and among us as a family. As a result, somewhat like magic before our eyes, a lot of the behavioral issues we were concerned about simply disappeared. We couldn’t be more grateful and happy that we decided to make the investment of time, money and effort in our family. Emily &Lauren and their team are amazing professionals and human beings and the work we all did together was incredible."

- Parents of 4 & 8 year old boys


"Our son is more in control of his emotions and actions. Fantastic leaders of both parents and kids. We've all learned so much!"

- Parents of 5 year old boy


"Familywise has given us the tools to parent effectively."

-Mom and dad of 7 year old boy


"This has been a game changer for our family. Thank you so much!"

-Mom of 5 year old boy


"This program has equipped us and our son with the necessary skill set. The program is well-executed, relevant, and provides pertinent information for helping our son."

- Dad of 7 year old boy


”We cannot express enough how much we value The Incredible Years program given how it quite literally changed our lives. Having participated in other parenting programs in our search for help with a “hard to parent” child, we appreciate the complete program that Carolyn Webster-Stratton has developed. The 25+ years of research based study makes The Incredible Years stand head-and-shoulders above other behavior therapy programs. The investment in your child, your family and your happiness is worth every effort, every minute and every dollar.  If you let it, The Incredible Years behavior therapy program will change your life too."

- Parents, son age 10


“This program has changed our lives. Our son's behavior and academic performance have improved and we have a happier household. We are so happy we found the Incredible Years program and would recommend it to any parent." 

- Father, son age 8


"This program has been such a life changer for our family. The changes we have seen over the 14 weeks are absolutely amazing—we met or are close to meeting all of our goals. I feel we have our life back and are so thankful for The Incredible Years. Lauren and Emily are rockstars!" 

- Mother, son age 4


“I feel like this was the best $2k investment that we've made as a family, and I'm sad that it's over. I loved the accountability, the opportunity to learn new things and immediately apply them without overthinking them, and I see how this is not just an investment in my daughter, but ourselves as parents and our other kids.”

- Mother, daughter age 5


"The entire program is really great and helpful. Our son has less frequent tantrums, and our parenting confidence is improved. This has been a game changer."

-Mom of 6 year old boy


"You always have the answers and strategies for any behavior or situation, which is very reassuring!"

-Mom of 7 year old girl


"Our son is so bright and loving, but his increasing frustration, anger and outbursts were becoming a huge problem and concern for us.  At first we were reluctant to sign up for The Incredible Years due to the time commitment and cost.  We are SO GLAD we signed up because our home is more peaceful, our relationship with our son is more healthy and positive and he is doing better in school and with his friends.  We highly recommend this program if you have a challenging child. Our family life is so much better since we started working with you and I am enjoying our son so much. His behaviors before got in the way of me enjoying his wonderful personality and deep mind.  And he is so much happier and more confident.  This change would have NEVER occurred without this program.  We are deeply, deeply grateful."

- Parent, son age 9


 "You create a safe environment where everyone can learn from each others' experiences. Group leaders are responsive to questions and emails, and you taught us the tools in a way that was 'doable.'"

- Mom of 5 year old girl


"This program has been transformative!"

- Parents of 8 year old girl


"The most valuable part of this program has been the positive effect on our relationships with our child...especially the father-child relationship."

- Dad of 4 year old boy


"Thank you for being available and supportive! I feel like I can enjoy being a parent for the first time."

- Mom of 4 year old girl